In Which Episode Did Xin Qi Find Out That Min Quanquan Was His Son in The Love You Give Me Chinese drama?

xin qi and min quanquan

In The Love You Give Me Chinese drama, Xin Qi learned that Min Quanquan was his son in the 5th episode.

How did Xin Qi know that Min Quanquan was his son?

At the beginning of the TV series, Xin Qi met his son Min Quanquan, but they didn't know each other's identities at that time.

In episode 5, Xin Qi bought toys and went to the kindergarten to visit Min Quanquan again.

Min Hui received a call from the kindergarten at work, saying that Min Quanquan was injured and was in the hospital. She rushed to the hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, Xin Qi pulled her to the operating room. The assistant deliberately made it clear that Min Quanquan's condition was serious and that he needed a blood transfusion.

But the hospital was short of blood and time was tight. Xin Qi immediately took the initiative to say that his blood type was the same as Min Quanquan and that he could be transfused with his blood. Seeing Xin Qi rolling up his sleeves and really preparing for a blood transfusion, Min Hui quickly stopped him and said that blood transfusions cannot be done between immediate family members.

min hui worry

Later, Min Hui was told that Min Quanquan only had a scratch on his skin. Min Hui no longer concealed it and admitted Min Quanquan's life experience.

In order to have a good relationship with his children, Xin Qi moved to Min Hui's home and deliberately refused to leave. Min Hui had no choice but to take him in temporarily.

Min Quanquan was also very happy about Xin Qi's arrival. After all, he got a father.

Afterwards, Xin Qi and Min Hui lived under the same roof, and their old relationship rekindled. Xin Qi began to chase after Min Hui, and the two renewed their relationship.

Xin Qi moved to Min Hui's home

Their family of three is very happy getting along with each other every day. Although the plot of this drama is cliché, the atmosphere of the whole drama is very good. It is a sweet drama.

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